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For Providers: Ordering a Sleep Study

If you think your patient may be suffering from a sleep disorder — referring your patient to the Tallahassee Memorial Sleep Center for a sleep study is the first step to helping them get a good night’s rest. This page contains all of the documents and resources you and your patient will need to provide to start the process.

Ordering a Sleep Study

If you have determined your patient may be suffering from a sleep disorder and would like to order a sleep study to have them evaluated and diagnosed, please fax or mail the following items to our Sleep Center:

  • Prescription for Sleep Testing - A demographic sheet should accompany your prescription; otherwise fill in as much information as possible in the middle of the prescription. This prescription should be signed by a physician. If you would like follow-up care, check the Consultation box and write “Pulmonary/Sleep Medicine.” If you need to order an MSLT, you also must check a sleep study, because a polysomnogram is always done the night before the MSLT.
  • Medical History and Physical -A medical history and physical are necessary to document the symptoms that justify sleep testing. A progress note with a medication list may be accepted if this documentation is not available.
  • Sleep Apnea Documentation - This form can be used to document the symptoms and physical conditions of a patient that justify sleep testing for both Medicare and non-Medicare patients, or you can document these items in your history and physical.
  • Patient Questionnaire - This form can be given to the patient at the time of referral. They can bring it with them for the pre-admit appointment to reduce the time they will be here to fill out paperwork.

We will contact the patient to set up the appointments once we have received the referral. Please make sure to submit requests for any insurance carrier who requires authorization (i.e. Vista, Buena Vista MCD, WeCare, etc). Please make a note on the prescription that the request was made for the authorization.

For insurance purposes, the following CPT codes are used:

  • Regular Sleep Study – 95810
  • Split-Night Sleep Study – 95811
  • Nasal CPAP Titration – 95811
  • Nasal BiPAP Titration – 95811
  • MSLT or MWT – 95805

The following address and/or fax information should be used:

Tallahassee Memorial Sleep Center
1401 Centerville Road, Suite 800
Tallahassee, FL 32308
Fax: 850-431-4553

If you have any questions or need assistance, please call 850-431-4400.