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With no history of health problems, Elizabeth Lawless was completely blindsided when she began to experience severe back pain that made it unbearable to walk. After a few weeks, Elizabeth developed another symptom when she became unable to lift her arm. Sensing a concern, she made an appointment with her primary care physician. She was advised that something was causing pressure on her spine and an MRI would be needed to confirm exactly what was going on.

The pain continued and was accompanied by heavy bleeding and large bruises all over her body.

After examination by Elizabeth’s primary care doctor, she was sent to the Tallahassee Memorial Emergency Center-Northeast for further evaluation. It is here that they discovered Elizabeth’s platelets were dangerously low. She was immediately transferred to Tallahassee Memorial Hospital where Tim Broeseker, MD, Hematologist/Oncologist, ordered a bone marrow biopsy and confirmed that Elizabeth had acute promyelocytic leukemia. She was transferred to UF Health for 36 days of treatment and testing.

Now, free of cancer, Elizabeth is happy to get back to normal life, which includes spending time with her husband, their two young daughters, doing arts and crafts and visiting their lake house.

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