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Grace Dansby - Why I Give

Grace Dansby Helipad

GraceDansbyWhen critically ill or injured patients arrive at Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare (TMH), seconds count. Grace’s generosity provided a new helipad that greatly reduces the time it takes to transport patients from a helicopter into the hospital for treatment. She served as Vice Chair of the TMH Board of Directors and later on the Foundation Board of Trustees for more than a decade. She is the co-founder of the Golden Gala.

What makes this gift meaningful to you?

Shortly after Hurricane Michael, I read in the newspaper that people from all over the region who were sick or had injuries related to the storm were brought to TMH. It was touching to know that the helipad was being used to help these people in a time of crisis.

Why do you support the TMH Foundation?

The hospital is something we all use and can be thankful for. We don’t have to leave town; we’ve got excellent healthcare right here at home. I always support the (Tallahassee Memorial Bixler Trauma & Emergency Center). I was delighted because the helipad is related to that.

What motivates you to give?

I’m a child of the Depression. Sharing was part of survival. We were taught to think about others and how we could help. I give and share because I love to do it. Maya Angelou said, “Make a rainbow in someone’s cloud.”

At age 92, you’re still making an impact in your community. What keeps you going?

I feel good. God’s been good to me, and I am very fortunate that I’ve been able to give back. My Alpha Gamma Delta sorority’s motto is, “Live with purpose.”

How does it feel to know that the Golden Gala continues as the Foundation’s major fundraiser?

It’s special. It’s not just a fundraiser. The thing that I look back on over the years is the camaraderie that we have at the Gala, the fellowship we share, visiting with old friends. It’s a great feeling. Everybody wants to be there.

