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The Cardiovascular Scholarship

The Cardiovascular Scholarship is offered by Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare and in collaboration with the TMH Foundation. Recognizing the importance of supporting our students, we are proud to offer this scholarship to aspiring cardiovascular clinical professionals who want to begin their career at Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare.

The Cardiovascular Scholarship is designed to support students as they matriculate into cardiovascular sonography and the invasive cardiology labs, EP and Cath. Students interested in applying for this scholarship must have a desire to work at TMH in a designated critical need area and commit to doing so upon graduation. The details for the scholarship program are listed below.


  • Open to students earning either an associates, bachelors, and/or certification from a Cardiovascular Technologist, Cardiovascular Sonography, and/or Radiological Technologist program.
  • Applicants must commit to working at TMH after graduation as a Technologist or Sonographer. One year of commitment is required for each year of financial scholarship awarded (two semesters equates to one year)
  • Recipients may only receive one scholarship annually from TMH


  • Scholarship of up to $2500 for each of two semesters (total award $5,000 per year)
  • Secured employment with TMH in the Cardiovascular department upon graduation

Application Process:

  • Copy of current resume
  • Provide an unofficial transcript with current GPA
  • Submit a two-page (double spaced) personal statement regarding why they chose a heart and vascular opportunity as a career and why they would like to begin their career in heart and vascular at TMH
  • Submit two letters of recommendation with at least one being from a faculty member and one being from a current and/or previous employer (if applicable)
  • Attend an interview at TMH

Resume, personal statement, recommendations and transcript should all be attached to application

All questions should be submitted to academic.info@tmh.org