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Kids Korner

Pokes and prods can be scary for little ones. But at Kids Korner, our Certified Pediatric Nurses are ready to make outpatient procedures as easy as possible. 

About Kids Korner 

Located within the Tallahassee Memorial Children’s Center, Kids Korner is a 4-bed unit, providing a positive, kid-friendly environment for common outpatient procedures, including: 

  • Lab work
  • Blood transfusions
  • Endocrine studies
  • IVs
  • Pre- and post-operative care
  • Recovery from procedures requiring sedation 

Who can be seen at Kids Korner? 

As long as you have scheduled an appointment, all children 17 and younger are eligible for services at Kids Korner. 

What makes Kids Korner special? 

  • We’re the only outpatient facility with a complete staff of Certified Pediatric Nurses.
  • Your kiddo will enjoy a comfortable, kid-friendly environment.
  • We have Tallahassee’s only Child Life Specialists on staff to provide distraction, education and support during procedures. 

Ready to schedule an appointment? 

In order to provide the same experience to each patient, Kids Korner does not accept walk ins. 

To make an appointment, please call 850-431-2241. 

Where are we located? 

You can find us inside the Tallahassee Memorial Children’s Center, located on the 2nd Floor of TMH’s Main Hospital. Please park in the P2/P3 Parking Garage.