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Orthopedic Recognition and Certifications

Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare (TMH) has been recognized among healthcare systems and hospitals across the nation as a top hospital for orthopedic treatment and surgery — ensuring both you and your bones are in good hands when you choose TMH.  

The American Orthopaedic Association has recognized TMH as an Own the Bone ® Star Performer.

The American Orthopaedic Association’s Own the Bone® program is a national post-fracture, systems-based, multidisciplinary fragility fracture prevention initiative. The ultimate goal is to change physician and patient behavior to reduce incidence of future fractures and positively impact osteoporosis treatment.  

Blue Cross Blue Shield Association has selected TMH as a Blue Distinction ® Center+ for Knee and Hip Replacement, part of the Blue Distinction Specialty Care program.

Blue Distinction® Centers are nationally designated healthcare facilities that show a commitment to delivering high-quality patient safety and better health outcomes, based on objective measures that were developed with input from the medical community.  

TMH has earned The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval® for Advanced Total Hip and Knee Replacement Certification.

The prestigious Gold Seal is a symbol of quality that reflects a healthcare organization’s highest commitment to providing safe and quality patient care.